Our Return Policy:
We gladly accept returns. You may return items for any reason whatsoever, but please be advised that you will need to follow our guidelines.
Return Guidelines:
- Kindly let us know immediately that you would like to make a return by simply sending us an email to let us know that you will be sending the item back.
- The item must be returned to us, undamaged exactly as it originally was sent to you.
- Please wrap items securely, insure the item, and send it back.
- The item MUST arrive at the Lucitebox headquarters within 10 of the original purchase.
- Any and all returned items will incur a 15% restocking fee.
- Returns received between 11 and 30 days after original ship date will be subject to a restock fee of 50%.
- Shipping and handling on return merchandise is non-refundable unless an item has been misrepresented.
- We do not accept returns on purchases after 30 days of original ship date.